Niamh Hughes

Niamh Hughes

Meeting Michelle is one of luckiest and best things I have ever done. Michelle has an incredible talent for coaching and makes the complex seem so simple. She provides perspective when all seems lost. Thank you for helping me get out of my own way and becoming the real me.

Niamh Hughes, Operations Manager

Jennifer Cockcroft

Jennifer Cockcroft

It didn't take long for my mind to be blown wide open with the simplicity and the potential impact this understanding could have on my life. As someone who is prone to rehearsing conversations in my head, imagining every possible worst case scenario, and struggles with depression and chronic pain, now being more aware of when a thought storm is brewing and therefore able to take the wind out of its sails is already making such a positive difference in my life. As I'm understanding its implications and seeing changes in myself, one thought keeps coming back: why don't more people know about this?!”

Jennifer Cockcroft, Business Owner

Brook Smith, Senior Strategic Designer

Brook Smith, Senior Strategic Designer

Michelle opened my eyes to many aspects of my work and personal life and how to move towards balancing the different pressures I was facing. I first met Michelle two months into a new job, with a baby daughter and new home to add to my commitments. Michelle taught me to place more trust in myself and my instincts 

Brook Smith, Senior Strategic Designer

Ben Stafford, Digital Designer

Ben Stafford, Digital Designer

Since beginning coaching with you I have realised that my potential is unlimited, my insights valid and I have as much to give to the world as it gives to me. Your energy is infectious and positivity endless, thank you so much for allowing me to find that within myself and to have the opportunity to pay it forward with others around me.

Ben Stafford, Digital Designer

Carly Hawkins

Carly Hawkins

Coaching with Michelle changed my life. I went into coaching stressed out, unfocused, unhappy in my career and lacking confidence in my abilities. I am now calm, focused mentally and physically and have a new found confidence. Coaching with Michelle has changed and enhanced every aspect of my life.

Carly Hawkins, Coach

Addriana Shears, Project Manager

Addriana Shears, Project Manager

I started my journey with Michelle after being diagnosed with depression and anxiety struggling to cope with everyday life for a few years. I feel so much more relaxed with a better understanding of my mind and that of others. I have reduced my medication with a view to coming off them completely. Helping my children with homework and life in general is no longer a thought of dread.  I am able to process my thoughts, make sense of them and not worry about what might happen.  

Addriana Shears, Project Manager